Monday 31 August 2009

Treat Yourself To A Confidence Boost!

How often have you wished for more money, more success or for a better life.  They are common thoughts for most people, but you don't have to sit there and hope for it, why not make it happen.  It doesn't matter what has happened in your past, your past is not your destiny.

Confidence is the main issue that holds many people back but it doesn't have to. Start by thinking of your past success.  List your favourite five successes, they can be anything; maybe getting a promotion, passing an exam, learning how to cook or finishing a planned decorating project.

Its good to see them in black and white and you can probably easily think of more than five when you start, but for the moment, just stick with five so you already feel a sense of achievement.

Choose one of your five successes to concentrate on.
Now start to think how you achieved this success.  What was your plan of action? On a sheet of paper write down the stages that you went through to achieve this success.  How did you plan ahead? What did you put in place to reach your goal?

By seeing your original successes and tracking how you achieved them, it helps to recall what you know deep down; that you are a capable and successful person, able to create a plan, follow it through and reach your chosen goal successfully.

Sitting quietly, without any distractions, start to recall how you felt when you achieved  this past success.  Think about the feelings that were stirred within you upon reaching your goal.

  • How did it make you feel emotionally?
  • How did it make you feel physically?
  • What did you body language look like?
  • What was the expression on your face?
  • How did the tone of your voice change?
By recalling those specific feelings we had in past successes, we train our brains into recreating those feelings again, which in turn creates all the feelings associated with these positive experiences, including a big confidence boost.

Try and do this exercise every day to get your mind recalling positive experiences, so you begin to get used to feeling like a successful, confident person regularly, until it becomes a natural mindset for you.

Good luck and enjoy your successes!

Copyright Elizabeth Bacchus

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