Thursday, 8 October 2009

Are You Making 2009 A Great Year? You Still Can!

I love the autumn; it is my absolute favourite time. For me it represents the beginning of the closing months of the year; a time to reflect on what has been achieved over the previous year, and settling in for the winter.

January resolutions are all very well and good, I though have always thought they represent unnecessary pressure at the beginning of a fresh new year. Why be so demanding of yourself?

The months of October, November and December are a great time for reviewing how your year has gone so far. Did you fit in everything you wanted to do? Did you achieve everything you had planned to, if not why not?

It’s not a time to admonish yourself but more of a time to create clear pathways for the new road ahead, and get excited with all the possibilities in front of you.

The biggest mistake a lot of people can make with goal planning is having too many goals and not creating the resources needed to achieve them. This in turn generates a sense of failure when the tasks become impossible, and results in de-motivating you.

By reviewing your past year and looking at what you wanted to achieve, did accomplish and were not able to make happen; you can create a clear vision of the areas that had obstacles in them.

I help my clients create an effective way to review their achievements of the past year:-

  • List the goals they had set for themselves
  • Highlight the ones that were achieved
  • Note the steps they took that helped them achieve these goals and what resources they used
  • Review the goals that were not achieved
  • Detail why they feel they didn’t reach these goals
  • What resources did they need that were not available to them, (time, money, motivation etc)
  • What steps would they need to take to create those resources?
  • Do they want to aim for those goals again and if so, what changes are they going to put in place?
By reviewing your goals, you give yourself a helicopter view of your progress. You are breaking down the steps you made and the obstacles that you met with. This enables you to see clearly what internal and external resources need to be in place to make achieving your goals easier.

Top tips for reviewing your goals
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself
  • Be realistic on why your goals were not met
  • Congratulate yourself on ALL your achievements however large or small
  • Stay positive, focussed and motivated – remember, you have the power to make anything happen!

Copyright Elizabeth Bacchus